Founding Members
Our Founding
The Torah Minyan began on May 13, 2017, corresponding to 17 Iyar, 5777, with Parashat Emor. However, we did have an ancestor. The seed of what became the Torah Minyan began with the Holiday Workshop Series (HWS), a thirty-session program created by Patti and Roger Golden, Z’L, which taught the practical as well as the historical and spiritual holiday cycle of the Jewish calendar. The course ran for several decades, initially based at Stephen S. Wise Temple in Los Angeles, but offered in many other communities as well.
Those who attended the HWS and subsequent Shabbatonim wanted a regular Shabbat experience, and for many decades was hosted by Stephen S. Wise Temple. What we called “The Mountain Top Minyan” was lay led by the Goldens and volunteers, notably Ian Russ.
Our Siddur was created by Patti Golden, Roger Golden, Stephen Marmer, Howard Secoff, and Cantor Linda Kates, with the editorial help of Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin and Cantor Nathan Lam. Members of the Minyan learned to chant Torah, taught by Patti Golden. Dennis Prager gave the sermon one to two times a month, and Stephen Marmer eventually took over the early teaching of the weekly Torah Portion.
A change in direction at the Temple gave us an opportunity to create this new community Minyan, now known as The Torah Minyan, a name to reflect our philosophy: anchored in Torah, love of Israel, reverence to God, and gratitude for the blessings of America.
From the thirty people were present for that first Shabbat, we have since grown organically and have one hundred fifty or more present in person, and another hundred or so Zoom screens. Even during the Covid lockdowns, when we initiated our Zoom links, we have not missed a single Shabbat since our start.
Our founders were Allen and Susan Estrin, Patti and Roger Golden Z’L, Steve and Marina Gray, Miry Rabinowitz, and Dr. Stephen Marmer, along with Dennis Prager. Since our founding Kim Ziel and Ron Gertz have joined the leadership group.
- Roger and Patty Golden
- Allen and Susan Estrin
- Steve Gray
- Marina Plusnina
- Dennis Prager
- Dr. Stephen Marmer
- Miry Rabinovich
Wed, January 22 2025
22 Tevet 5785
Join Torah Minyan
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 4:59pm |
Shabbat Day
Havdalah : 6:08pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vaera
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 24, 4:59pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Jan 25, 6:08pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25 |
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